

Live Streamming

The streamming is avaliable in two languages: Portuguese and English.

Welcome to W3C Web Conference Brazil 2012

Broadcast live on the web
in Englishhttp://conferenciaweb.w3c.br/transmissao/english.htm
in Portuguesehttp://conferenciaweb.w3c.br/transmissao/portugues.htm


14:00 – 16:00 Keynote Speaker – Luli Radfahrer – “The impact of Open Web Platforms on the everyday life”
16:00 – 16:30 Coffee
16:30 – 18:00 Panel: “HTML5 was an error, Yes, but NO!”
The words of Mark Zuckerberg rocked the world of web development. Did it make any difference? Did you like it? The following panelists will discuss the impact of this decision and how it will change your life.

Edney Souza (interney) VP @ boo-box. Associated at @Polvora. Owner @InterNey. Teacher at FGV & Ecommerce School. Director @ ABRADi. Curador @ CPBR and Daniel Filho (Senior Programmer Interface at iG)
Time Room 1 Room 2 Room 3
09:00 – 09:30 Opening Session – W3C Brasil
09:30 – 11:00 Keynote Speaker – Jeanne Holm, NASA
Using open data to create value for citizensOpen Web Cases: Thiago Rondon, Diego Rabatone and Vitor BatistaTorsten Raudssus – Moving the needle or what I learned at DuckDuckGo‎
11:00 – 11:40 Coffee and 7 Masters live
11:40 – 12:35 HTML5 and Digital Marketing – Fábio Flatschart Augmented reality in JavaScript- Zeno Rocha Working Groups’ Meeting::
Open Data, Ontology, Web Accessibility and HTML5 Roberto Agune, Álvaro Gregório, Romero Guimarães, Mauro do Vale, Raphael Pacheco
12:40 – 13:30 SEO and HTML5 – Guga Alves Entrepreneurship in the Open Web Plataform – Edney Souza (@interney)
13:30 – 14:30 Lunch
14:30 – 15:15 The “Mobile First” knocks on your door, enjoy it! – Horácio Soares The state of art of WebTV – opportunities and challenges! – Thiago Prado de Campos WWW2013 Commitees
15:15 – 16:00 The real semantic of HTML5 – Diego Eis Web beyond the devices – Clécio Bachini
16:00 – 16:30 Coffee
16:30 – 17:15 Mobile Web Cases
Clips– Wille Marcel Lima Malheiro, Davi Lima de Medeiros and Valessio Soares de Brito
CSS Browser Selector +– Richard Duchatsch Johansen and Prof. Dr. Cesar Augusto Cusin
Cidade Reclama – Eric Nishimura Princi, Rodolfo Lopes Pereira and Jonathan Felipe de Oliveira
Accessibility in government websites – Rio das Ostras City Hall – Ícaro Olegário How to get the best out of the Brazilian Access to Information Law Vânia Vieira, Francisco Carvalheira e Fabiano Angélico
17:15 – 18:00 Linked Data: Principles and Technologies – Bernadette Farias Lóscio
18:00 – 18:45
Time Room 1 Room 2 Room 3
9:30 – 11:00 BrazilJS Moment- Open Web Plataform – Cases & Live Coding. Zeno Rocha, Bernard de Luna and Felipe Nascimento
11:00 – 11:30 Coffee
11:30 – 12:00 Development workshop with Nephew Webdesigner
12:00 – 13:00 BrazilJS Moment- Open Web Plataform – Cases & Live Coding. Zeno Rocha, Bernard de Luna and Felipe Nascimento “Secret” strategy for approval the Internet Civil Rights and Dues Bid

Schedule subject to change without notice.

Thursday, October 18. 14:00.

Picture of Luli RadfahrerThe impact of Open Web Platforms in the daily life

Luli Radfahrer got his Ph.D by the University of Sao Paulo where has been teaching for ten years. He is the founder of Hipermidia, one of the first digital communication agency in Brazil currently owned by Ogilvy. Left his company to develop work for big companies until to occupy the Vice-presidency of Starmedia in New York. Back to Brazil as consultant for companies such as AOL and McDonald’s, his projects is known by his friends as out of box, sort of nuts creativity.

Thursday, October 18. 16:30.

Panel session: “HTML5 was an error”. Yes, but NO!

The words of Mark Zuckerberg rocked the world of web development. Did it make any difference? Did you like it? The following panelists will discuss the impact of this decision and how it will change your life.

Edney Souza
He is the first Brazilian blogger to make living of his blog. He was acknowledge by the IDG Now! publication as the most pop blogger in 2006,, 2007 and 2008. Currently, he gets 5 million/monthly of page views and 100,000+ followers in the Twitter.

Daniel Filho
Front-end programmer, with expertise in interfaces design and mobile web application development, Daniel works for iG Portal and is active in the open-source community.

Edu Agni
UX Designer in the iMasters commmunity. He has worked for 9 years in usability, interface, interation, and web standards project.

Friday, October 19

Foto de Jeanne HolmJeanne Holm, NASA Data.Gov Evangelizer (a flagship project of open government to the White House managed by GSA), Jeanne Holm leads collaboration and community building with the public, educators, developers, government and internationally in the use of open government data. In 2010 Jeanne opened data space missions agency americana (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WlJCn6n6MTI). Jeanne is the Chief Architect System NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, driving innovation through social media, virtual worlds, games (games), collaborative systems and ontologies, including the award of public portal NASA (www.nasa.gov ) architectures and pioneering expertise within the Department of Defense (www.nasa.gov) and breaking the architecture of knowledge within the U.S. Department of Defense. She is associated with the International Academy of Astronautics United Nations, an instructor of honor at UCLA and chair of the W3C eGovernment Group, and has over 130 publications on information systems and knowledge management and innovation.

Jeanne received her master’s degree at Claremont Graduate University and UCLA where she teaches information systems, analysis of social media and collaborative systems. She has worked in radio and TV Disney, as well as the CIO for a start-up technology. She has received many awards honored, including the Medal of exceptional work for NASA leadership (twice), three Webby’s International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences, three awards of best practice and APQC led NASA in an unprecedented achievement of four awards global Most Admired Knowledge Enterprise (MAKE).

Sexta-feira, 19 de outubro.

11:00 – 11:40: Coffee Break with 7 Masters live
In partnership with iMasters the W3C Web Conference Brazil will have, in the living area, during the first coffee break on Friday, a special seven masters, which is a online event that brings together seven experts for presentations of seven minutes each.

11:40 – 12:35: Augmented reality in JavaScript
Discover how to integrate information with virtual views of the real world using getUserMedia WebRTC API to work with augmented reality apps on the WebZeno Rocha is Front-end Engineer at Liferay

11:40 – 12:35: HTML5, Semantic Marketing and new media formats and interaction of the Open Web Platform
All contents published on the Web can be semantically interlinked by their meanings offering new solutions and formats for engagement, loyalty and measurement of user behavior, a multidisciplinary task that involves strategic planning marking and a rigorously structured code.

Fabio Flatschart is Manager of Marketing and Innovation Soyuz Systems and Director of Flatschart Consulting.

12:40 – 13:30: Entrepreneurship in the Age of Open Web Platform
Entrepreneurship in the Age of Open Web Platform
Lean Startup: how to anticipate failures and problems that can quickly lead to success in developing a business or application.

Edney Souza is VP @boo-box. Partner @Polvora. Owner @InterNey. Professor FGV & Ecommerce School. Director @ ABRADi. Curator @CPBR

12:40 – 13:30: SEO and HTML5
A lot of things has been said about the semantic web, but how far this new way of thinking and organizing a html content can make the difference when thinking about SEO? In this speech, Guga Alves will present some expert opinions on the market and what influence HTML5 has today.

Guga Alves is teacher of the Institute Infnet and “Tudo para WordPress” website founder.

14:30 – 15:15: The state of art of WebTV
A summary of the efforts made by the W3C for defining web standards for smart TVs. Thiago will present the key challenges and opportunities brought with the convergence of Web and TV that are being discussed in an interest group of the W3C consortium. To demonstrate some aspects, Thiago will display a comparison of the features of HTML5 and specific APIs supported by televisions and their current performances. The presentation is the result of the recent work on WebTV conducted by the Research Lab of AVADORA digital.

Thiago Prado de Campos is IT Analyst at UTFPR where he is also professor and coordinator of specialization in Web Development and Partner of iCOMP Digital Agency, digital AVADORA and the Brazilian Association of Digital Agencies, regional Paraná (PR-ABRADi).

Lucio Mauro Marques
Computer Network Technician, manager of technology and developing of iCOMP Digital Agency, digital AVADORA and digital AVADORA, which he is also co-founder.

14:30 – 15:15: The “Mobile First” knocks on your door, enjoy!
Mobile X Desktop: similar goals, different experiences.
What is Mobile First and how this method can improve the quality of the websites / web systems in Mobile and Desktop?
What are the challenges and constraints of developing solutions for Mobile Web and why Mobile Web is great for business?

Horácio Pastor Soares is Founder and Consultant of Digital Accesse and Internativa.

15:15 – 16:00: The real semantic of HTML5
Semantic is the name of the game. With the new HTML5 tags, we bring the semantic for the structure of the page and not just for its content. Putting together the new tags with technologies like Microdatas, we raise the semantic to a new stage. The information will be really accessible and meaningful.

Diego Eis is the creator of Tableless.com.br, development website of best practices on web front-end and other related topics.

15:15 – 16:00: Web beyond the devices
The web now runs on almost all microprocessor devices. And it will run in all things. The engine that renders the HTML in browsers will be present everywhere. The processing, with high speed internet , will not be local, but remote. In the very near future, sheets of paper, plastic, fabric, furniture etc. will be able to become smart devices, networked. Any object will be a potential computer – cheap and disposable. In these devices the interface will be the Open Web Platform.

Clécio Bachini is the Founder of Soyuz systems.

www201314:30 – 16:00: WWW2013 Committees
The creation of the Working Committees of WWW2013 have the intention to broaden the scope of the conference, suggest parallel activities, assist in dissemination, knowledge and add new ideas to the most important event on Web. Each Committee is coordinated by W3C Brazil staff and bring volunteers and specialists in each area, with a focus on proposing and discussing actions and strategies that add value to the conference and contribute to the dissemination of the event.

16:30 – 18:00: How to get the best out of the Brazilian Access to Information Law
The Panel “How to get the best out of the Brazilian Access to Information Law” aims to create a broad and open forum for discussion about how to use the Brazilian Access to Information Law to obtain data of particular interest or community. In this forum, participants along with the audience will show through the main difficulties cases, tips and the best way to explore the gold mine of LAI.

- Vania Vieira, Director of Corruption Prevention, General Comptroller of the Union
- Francisco Carvalheira, Program Coordinator of Transparency and Access to Information, Ministry of Justice
- Fabiano Angelico, OGP Consultant for the World Bank

16:30 – 17:15: Accessibility in government websites
During the lecture, Icaro will present the development processes of accessible government websites. Comparing cases with practical and simplified way of contextualizing the recommendations that guide The development of these websites, the best practices os the development, consistent with the Brazilian needs.

It will be possible to know the main situations that create barriers and the best techniques and tools that break them, breaking the myths that make up the landscape of web accessibility.

Icaro Olegario is the front-end developmer of the portal of the Municipality of Rio das Ostras – RJ

17:15 – 18:00 Linked Data: Principles and Technologies
The term Linked Data refers to a set of practices for publishing and connecting structured data on the Web in order to create a “Web of Data”. Recently, a large volume of data defined according to standard Linked Data has been published, and consequently, many efforts are being made to build applications in order to facilitate the exploration of such data. In this scenario, this lecture introduces the basic concepts of Linked Data related term, as well as an overview of how to publish and consume data in the Web of Data.

Bernadette Farias Lóscio
Computer Center – Federal University of Pernambuco – UFPE, Brazil

16:30 – 18:00: Cases Mobile Web
Panel with three cases of Mobile Web:

Wille Marcel Lima Malheiro, Davi Lima de Medeiros and Valessio Soares de Brito
It is an open source project that provides a mobile platform for monitoring and participating in events such as conferences, congresses and symposiums. Its open source facilitates the use of existing information, initially integrating with Papers, the system was used for events such as FISL, FLISOL and CONSEGI. The Clips allows browsing the schedule every day, by room or trail (theme). Moreover, there is a dynamic list of lectures being held at the moment and the next session. You can also do searches by abstract, name of the lecture or the lecturer. Planned features for the future: authentication, evaluation of lectures, attachments and comments, sharing agenda, notification mechanisms, friends list and recommendations.

CSS Browser Selector + http://ridjohansen.github.com/css_browser_selector/
Richard Duchatsch Johansen and Prof. Dr. Cesar Augusto Cusin
It is a tool to help the development of responsive cross-browser without using Hacks. You can develop responsive websites for browsers that do not support Media Queries module (CSS3) and without using hacks (not character validated by W3C). The script adds classes that deeply scan on the client browser, opening up a range of opportunities for customization, being able to extend these features from the older browsers, extending up to the latest ones.

Cidade Reclamahttp://m.cidadereclama.com.br
Eric Nishimura Princi, Rodolfo Lopes Pereira, Jonathan Felipe de Oliveira and the Princi Web Agency development team (www.princiweb.com.br).
Cidade Reclama (in English City Calls) is the social web tool to support the citizen, based in integration with the Google Maps API and Geolocation, which allows anyone to point the specific problems or needs in your city (street holes, trash, lack of street lighting, etc..), you can post on social networks and gain support and strength. Thus, it becomes possible to map the urban problems of our cities and the construction of a public administration more transparent and democratic, adapted to the new times. The project has a mobile and desktop version, both developed based on W3C standards, and the second version were applied new web technologies such as HTML5, CSS3, SVG and Less.

11:30 – 12:00: Workshop with the great Nephew Webdesigner

He is a FrontPage master, develops sites in tables as any one has never done, with the most cheaper rates (average $ 200.00 and a Big Mac per site).

Saturday’s morning, the creator of “Nephew Webdesigner” profile on twitter (@ sobrinhoweb) will speak, in a fun way, what should NOT be done in professional web development.

09:30 – 13:00: BrazilJS Time
Open Web Platform – Cases & Live Coding

During the conference, the brazilian WebDev masters will show how to maximize the potential of Open Platform Web showing practical tips on how to take advantage of the power of HTML5, CSS3 and other tools.

The presentation of cases includes a Live Coding, where presenters will show how to develop an entire application using the resources of the Open Web Platform.
Bernard De Luna: Experienced FrontEnd Developer, he is UX and Creative Director at Melt DSP, in SP.

Felipe Nascimento de Moura: Working with WebDev and Open Source systems, he is Senior Analyst at Terra Networks.

Zeno Rocha: One of the creators of jQuery Boilerplate and Wormz at Chrome Experiments. He is Front-end Engineer at Liferay.

11:30 – 13:00: “The Secret Strategy” for having the brazilian Internet Civil Rights aprooved in the next year

This panel aims to discuss and articulate the the principal sectors interested in having the Civil Rights Framework for the Internet in Brazil finally aproved. Thus, we would like to invite you to an open discussion to define mobilization strategies so the public understands the importance of the approval.

Ricardo Poppi@ricardopoppi Geek graduated in Political Science, he works at Presidency of Brazil, at the General Secretariat.

14:00 – 18:00: Decoders + HacksHackers + Yapc

Inspired in Turing’s Decoder, the “Decoders” initiative is a hackathon series that aims to use Open Data to generate sustainable applications and softwares, using Open Web Plattform tools.

In this Decoders edition we’ll meet HacksHackers São Paulo and São Paulo Perl Mongers communities.

To participate on this activity, confirm your presence at MeetUp!